
Comment history with lkajsfklajskds


Displaying 61 - 80 of 113 comments

i thought that comment was too long, so i started another one. here are my questions:
-do stuff get released earlier in england than they do here?
-do you play an instrument?
-how do most people there get to school
-what is that nearby store that everyone knows of and goes to. (like a store to get basically everything, except maybe grocery's) here we have target and walgreens (many others but those are probably the most common).
-what clothing stores do you shop at?
-you have a bebo?! my freind made me make one. but i dont go on it. is that what they use there? here we use myspace and facebook mostly.

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Sep 3, 07 7:17 pm

people say dude here. of course.
ok well the basic classes are: math, english, science, social studies , physical education, foregin language, and an elective (band, orchestra, drama). in elementary and middle school, its just the basics. but then you can take different kinds of math (trig, pre-calc, calc, geometry, etc.) in high school, you can take ap courses (advanced placement courses). such as AP Calc (Calculus).then there is different kinds of science. and most of the times different kinds of english (whole classes devoted to creative writing and reports and such). social stuides is basically history, but an overall version. but then in high school you can select us history, world history and stuff. most school usually have tech. classes, but they're not usually mandatory. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION???!! you have to take that. wow. do you go to private school? cuz we're not even allowed to discuss religion in our school (thinks it'll cause discrimination and stuff).art is an elective, most of the time. whats cross? but it really depends which school you go to, which level of education, what type of education, and which state. cuz things could be totally different at a private school in california.
bombard me with questions? that was only two, come on, you can do better than that.

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Sep 3, 07 7:10 pm

Lol - I shall bombard you with questions to do with America now =]. We do have malls - just we call them shopping centres or high streets. Aha thats quite odd - everyone says wicked. What about dude..that's quite a word here (well i think it is =]) - it's used by all the cool people. Aka moi. =] (Yeah, I'm pretty modest ;]). I was reading this book the other day by Meg Cabot, and it was like about teens - at school. And its funny how different the subjects are. Here we do: Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, Information Computer Technology , Religious Education, Design Technology (which consists of Food, Textiles, Woodwork and Graphics) Uh Physical Education, Art, Mondern Foriegn Languages (French & German in our school), Cross - Ciricular Studies, Drama and finally Music. Is yours something completly diffoooorent? It seems like it from stories (but its only fictional). :D xx

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Sep 3, 07 12:30 pm

haha, yea, there are a couple of stuff i get from books too.
wait.. there are no malls there? anyway, malls do have food courts. i havent seen one with bowling alleys, but you have pretty much the right idea. yea, like i can ask you anything that i think is fictional, which is really cool. for example, i now know that you guys actually wicked. hehe, nothing wrong with it its just that no one here says it and i only here it in books.
ask away about stuff in america if you have questions =]

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Aug 30, 07 11:10 am

Btw Zazzy is a word I picked up somewhere..i think it was in a book. It means ultra - cool. I use it to define probably everything now a days lol

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Aug 29, 07 3:06 pm

lol oh. thank ya :) hopefully i shall b4 skewl starts and i spread it.

when ever i read about malls in books and such they make them out be places with 'food courts' and cinema theatres and bowling alleys and stuff.

But then again they are only fictional stories :D. Its weird hearing about stuff like everyday daily stuff from a real person that lives in America. Ok not only weird but it's totally wicked! I'm probably weirding you out right about now. I get excited of little things. Like these pair of zazzy studs I found (but then I found out they cost £20 - and I had a little over £6 to spend after shopping for school stuff..) *Smiles a cheesy grin*

Lol oo I get it now. - the whole going across states to shop. Its pretty funny. =]

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Aug 29, 07 3:03 pm

oh, nice. but your sick. sorry =[
a mall is a place with shops and food places.
blue water has everything?! wow, i have to go there whenever i get a chance to. we dont normally travel to states to shop. thats why i thought it was so weird. get well soon =]

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Aug 28, 07 9:36 pm

Lol..I'll try. It's hard when your ill (like i am.)

When I shop I normally go to the crappy high st. (which is kindah like a mall with only shops, and places to eat) but people normally go to these massive shopping centres with cinemas, and over 300 shops and stuff. But normally we wouldnt cross states (or Countys as we would call them) to shop. The furthest I've been shopping is in this place called Blue Water. It is so nice - theres like everything there. =]

And as its inside you can even go in the rain :) woot.

Lol x

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Aug 28, 07 8:59 am

oohh, you too, have fun.
wow, weather here is pretty normal. i hear we're supposed to see mars today? i dont know.
yea, rhode island, adventure. its funny cuz its so small so we're like, lets go shopping! and we had to go to another state to get where we wanted. apparently its not that uncommon here going in and out of states.
school starts on the fourth for me, which shockingly is pretty early. it normally starts on the thriteenth or something like that..idk. anyway, try to make the best out of your crappy weather. =]

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Aug 27, 07 11:43 pm

Wow - Rhode Island..It sounds like something out of a adventure book lol! Yeah Spain was wicked thanks - I want to go back for longer - 'cause in London its been raining in the middle of summer :S. Which is odd, even by British weatehr standerds lol. Yeah summers nearly over for us lots as well :( Bummer..it went by too fast - I start school on Thursday next week..the 6th. Have fun on the remaining days of ur hols - xx

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Aug 27, 07 10:07 am

summers fine. im back in new york. schools bout to start. im going to rhode island on monday to drop of my sis at brown university.
woah, spain?! nice. having fun?

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Aug 24, 07 7:36 pm

Hello :D

Soz I havn't been on here in time - I have beeen in Spain :D Hows ur summer holiday going?

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Aug 24, 07 10:38 am


Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Aug 19, 07 12:23 pm

haha, yup.

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Jul 31, 07 1:44 pm

Oooooooh =] *listens in awe*. ii learn sumfin new everyday woop de woop.

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Jul 30, 07 9:23 am

yup, i think thats how it worked.

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Jul 29, 07 5:11 pm

Wow, I didn't know that. So was Nutella just a creation for the actual chocolate and then they decided it tastes so good they decidede to make a spread?.

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Jul 28, 07 1:58 pm

yea the ferrero chocolate, they put nutella in it.

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Jul 27, 07 3:05 pm

i like peanut butter, but not too much of it

Posted by lkajsfklajskds on Jul 27, 07 3:05 pm

btw..are you talking about ferrero chocolate?? 'cause thats good - oo yus, tres indulgent.

Posted by Wondah-x-Child on Jul 22, 07 4:47 pm